
Recruitment of Admission Ambassador for Interntation Graduate School


Recruitment of Admission Ambassador for Interntation Graduate School


The CNU Admission Ambassador Program will be a great opportunity for current students to be involved in the promotion of Chonnam National University and to share their experiences with prospective students and the community. Current students will be able to pass on their knowledge, insights, and enthusiasm on what it is like to be a graduate student at Chonnam National University.



International graduate school student (including students who have completed coursework but are still registered)

* Completion of at least 1 semester of graduate school


[Responsibilities & Expectations]

• Promote a positive image of the Uniersity and introduce scholarships to your home university, friends, or anybody who might be interested in studying in Korea

• Carry online ambassador activities on popular SNS platforms in your country

• Hold an online entrance information session using Zoom (or the sorts of video tools)

• Follow-up with prospective students



• Currently enrolled international graduate students (including enrolled students who completed coursework)

• Candidates must be recommended by their academic advisor at Chonnam National University

• Able to participate in the program for at least one semester (including Summer vacation)



• Activity supporting fee 300,000won + certificate of participation (required to submit the final report)

• Extra rewards for outstanding ambassadors

• Incentives for holding entrance information session (If many of ambassadors would hold sessions, sellected based on the final report.)


[How to apply]

After log in the portal, please go the Graduate School website (graduate.jnu.ac.kr – 학생성장지원 – GradGrow(비교과)) and apply by September 18. You need to attach the application form click the green button ‘신청하기’ at the bottom of the notice.


[Selection Schedule]

• Application period: Sep 10 ~ Sep 18, 2024

• Document Screening: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu)

• Interview: Sep 20, 2024 (Fri)

• Announcement: Sep 24, 2024 (Tue)

• Orientation: At 3 PM Sep 26, 2024 (The schedule is subject to change.)

The results of the document screening and interveiw will be notified individually.



If you have any questions about the International Ambassador, feel free to contact the Office of Graduate School at injilee@jnu.ac.kr or 062-530-5915

2024학년도 2학기 대학원 G-STUDY 운영 안내