Basic Information
Common Courses
- Applicants should take the entrance examination which consists of two parts
- Language
- Ph.D course : English, German, Chinese, Japanese(choose1)
- Major
- Ph.D course : Microeconomic Theory & Macroeconomic Theroy
- Master course : Microeconomic Theory & Macroeconomic Theory
- Language
- Comprehensive Examination : Students who have finished taking all the credit hours required can take the comprehensive examination
- Programs Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4
- PH.D Microeconomic Theory Microeconomic Theory Major 1 Major 2
- Master Microeconomic Theory Microeconomic Theory Major 1
- For each course, students have to earn at least 70 paints out of 100 to pass the exam. The exam covers two courses in major area and one of required courses in minor area
After successfully passing the comprehensive exam, the students are required to form a dissertation committee consisting of three professors for the master students and five progessors for the doctoral students before the dissertation proposal. Dissertators should openly present the dissertation proposal twice (three month and one semester ahead of the planned dissertation defense) prior to submitting the dissertation to the committee for approval. The dissertation committee reviews and approves the dissertation by super majority.
Requirements for Ph.D & Master Program
- The degree is awareded to students who fulfill requirements following
- successful completion of required course
- pass the comprehensive examination
- Ph.D degree candidates should shpresent at least two article at a nationwide academic conferences or publish at least an article in a nationalty defend his/her dissertation
Students are recommended to select an advisor within one semester after joining the graduate program. In the mean time the department head advises graduate students. The number of first year graduate students and professor advises may not exceed 3 for the master program and 2 for the doctoral program.